验证失败。 Verification failed.
无法证实您输入的消息由 NeoAtlantis 签署。

这可能是由于在数据传输、复制粘贴中出现了错误(即便只是一个空格增减), 也可能是有人故意修改了消息的文本。


Cannot confirm the message you just entered is signed by NeoAtlantis.

This might be due to errors in transmission or copy/paste process (including even a space's addition or removal). But it might also indicate someone have manipulated the message purposely.

You should NOT trust a message in any case until verification is successful.

验证成功! Verification Passed Successfully!
消息已由数学算法保证,确认为 NeoAtlantis 签署,未经修改。


Message is confirmed mathematically been generated by NeoAtlantis and no modifications were detected.

The whole signed message is shown in the box below.