译者注: 本实验室不定期将一个长久以来(至2016年应有28年之久)著名的通灵(channeling)者Lee Carroll为Kryon进行的通灵信息转载或翻译。 关于Kryon的通灵是否值得相信,读者可自行凭感觉评价。限于水平,笔者难以将英语中传达的含义完全用汉语表示出来,有时这甚至是不可能的,所以只好按照自己的理解修改句式。 强烈建议读者尝试阅读英文原文部分。


在Kryon的通灵中,可以说energy(译作能量),potential(译作趋势),old soul(译作古老的灵魂),old energy(译作古老的能量),darkness(译作黑暗),lightness(译作光明)都是需要更多解释的“术语”。这里的energy和物理学含义上的能量不同,更多指的是一种驱动事物运作的方式或者背后的动力。potential应当参考物理学上的势能的含义,是一种发生某些事情的“潜力”。


…What I’m telling you is that all the darkness on this planet has come from Human Beings. … The darkest of the dark can be created by the Humans if they choose to do that. Dark power can be created because Humans are powerful and can manifest it. Darkness is not that hard to manifest.

However, we have told you before that the light/dark balance of the planet is what is at hand. Those who carry light in the dark room will not have darkness around them, for the definition of darkness is the absence of light. …

……我要告诉你们的是,这个星球上所有的黑暗都是来自人类。……人类可以创造最黑的黑暗,如果他们选择去做的话。人类可以创造黑暗的力量,因为人类是有能力的,能实现它。黑暗是不难实现的。 然而我们也和你们说过,现在正处于光明和黑暗的平衡期。那些在黑暗的房间中携带着光明的人,身边就不会有黑暗,因为黑暗只是缺乏光明。……

old soul是一个更难解释的概念,简单来说是指那些来到这个星球很多次,经历很多的灵魂(译者:用问问自己,用直觉回答,我来过多少次?译者很想知道哦……)

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The channel today has many energies, and there is much unspoken that will be said through that which is called “The Third Language”. The channel we give you today is for everyone. It’s for everyone listening, everyone who might be reading, and available for many years to come.

向各位致意,这里是磁性服务的Kryon。今天的通灵携带着很多种能量,包括通过那些没有说出的“第三种语言”传递的。 今天通灵的信息,是给每个人的:每个在倾听的人,每个可能在阅读的人,而且会在将来的很多年内都有效。

We are in Peru, at the end of the Human adventure called The Kundalini Tour. The Kundalini adventure was named as a metaphor of an attribute of the Human body. It represents the birth of a new consciousness on the planet and the procreation of newness in all things. The birth of a child is so special, and it is seen as a beginning, not an end. Birth is not seen as something dramatic and sad. Because of the potential that is there, new life is celebrated on the planet. That is the metaphor of the name.

我们现在位于秘鲁,在被称为昆达里尼之行的旅程末尾。 这个旅程的名字来自人类身体的一个特性,它代表着这个星球上新的意识的诞生,也预示着在事物各种方面上会出现的新创造。 这样的新生是十分特别的,它代表着开始而不是结束。出生并不是什么戏剧性或者悲伤的事情,因为未来各种各样的可能,人们才会庆祝这样的事情。 这就是这个名字的喻义。

You have to understand the timing of this channelling. We sit here as a group, in this time, and something very fresh has just happened. It involves the compassion of the entire planet when we see what Humans can do to Humans. It was only yesterday that the events in France took your breath away. The compassion is fresh; the tears for the death that is senseless are fresh. There is great suffering, and lives will be changed forever. What is your reaction to this? There is a table in front of me that has been called the Altar of Compassion. The room is filled with old souls. They are easily emotionally touched, but they also have something else - something I wish to dwell on for a moment. In addition, I want everyone to ponder something.

你应该了解这次通灵的时刻。我们一群人坐在这里,在这个时候,刚刚发生了一些事。 整个星球的同情力都在这上面:我们见证了人类能对人类自己做出什么样的事情。 刚刚发生在法国的事件让你们瞠目结舌。同情那些无辜的死者而流下的眼泪尚有余温。 人们沉浸在巨大的悲痛,很多人的命运就此改变。 你们对这件事的反应是什么? 在我面前我称之为同情心的圣坛,在这个房间里坐满了古老的灵魂们——他们都是容易被触动感情的人。 但除此之外,还有一些别的——我稍后会详细说明的东西,以及我希望各位思考的东西。

What is Your Reaction? 你的反应是什么?

Dear ones, as a Human Being sitting there, can you actually affect anything around you? Are you a receiver of energy or a transmitter or both? Most of the planet feels they are simply receivers. They are victims of whatever happens around them. The idea that they might be able to change the planet with their own consciousness is simply not that which they believe. So this, dear ones, is the change we’re talking about. We have spoken of the awareness levels of Humans before, but now I want you to use the information and not just realize it. Old souls have tremendous energy and power in this time!

各位,作为坐在这里的人类,你们能不能影响身边的事情? 你们是这些能量的接收者,还是传送者,或者两者都是? 这个星球上的大多数人都认为他们只是接收者。他们受到身边一切的影响。他们不相信他们可以用自己的意识来改变这个星球。 所以各位,这就是我们说过的变化。我们谈到过人类的意识的级别,但是我现在希望你能运用这个信息,而不光是仅仅确认它。 古老的灵魂们在这个时候的能量是很大的!

Have you seen the news? There are those who are carrying signs and wringing their hands in despair. They’re saying, “See? The old prophecies are correct. The end is near! It’s coming! The signs are all around.” Well, I have news for them, and they may not understand this because they feel they are victims of whatever happens, but here is the news: The end has come and gone. The beginning is here!

你们看到新闻了吧?有些人举着牌子,绞着手说,“古老的预言成真了!大灾难即将到来,到处都是前兆!” 好吧,我这里有一些给他们的消息,他们不会信的因为他们觉得自己会受害于所有发生的事情,不过消息是:末日已经来过了,也已经离开了,现在是新的开始!

Your Power 你的能力

Old souls who sit in front of me, it’s time for compassionate action. A small group of Humans who come together with similar thoughts and who know they are transmitters of energy can help those left behind have peace over what has happened. There are many people right now who need to be hugged and held and who cannot believe what has happened. They feel that they are victims of evil and you can change that! You can change that long distance from South America. Distance means nothing! That idea is so linear! You can reach out to them, without knowing their name, and surround them with the glory and peace of God.

坐在我面前的古老灵魂,现在是行动的时候了。一群很少但思想相近的人,知道他们是能量的传送者,可以帮助那些被离去者留下的人度过难关。 很多人需要一个拥抱,很多人不敢相信发生的事情。他们感到自己成为了邪恶的目标,但你们可以改变这一点,即使是在南美洲的这里。 距离并不重要!他们的想法是如此的线性!不需要知道他们的名字,你们就可以用心去接触他们,将他们包裹在神性的平和之中。

Souls are forever. They never die. Help them to understand this. Listen to them, don’t talk to them, and hug them. Be part of the healing that needs to be - now. You are transmitters, and old souls do it very, very well. That’s what I want you to do right now. You’ve gone to class long enough. I want you to graduate right now and put this into effect. God is inside! Now project that energy to others who need this compassion so that their sorrow will be a little bit less. They’ll feel you. They won’t know what it is, or why it is, but there will be a peace they can have over their loss. Then when you get together as souls later on the other side of the veil, they will be able to look at you and say, “I felt you that day. That was you. Thank you. Thank you!” Can you do that for them?

灵魂是永恒的。他们从来不会死去。让他们明白这一点。倾听他们,不要说什么,拥抱他们。现在就可以去做,成为治愈心灵的力量的一部分。 你们是传递者,古老的灵魂在这一点上可以做得非常非常好。这就是我希望你们现在去做的。 你们已经用很长的时间来学习这一点,现在可以去发挥你们的作用了。用神性来驱动你们! 现在将你们的能量投射到那些需要这股力量的人那里,就可以稍微减少他们的悲伤。他们会感受到你们的。 他们不知道这是什么,为什么会这样,但是他们会感到一丝平和。 当你们未来重新回到这层帘幕的这一侧时,他们就会看到你说,“那天我感到了你。那就是你。谢谢你!谢谢!” 你能为他们做到吗?

That’s the first part of this channel. It’s the most important thing we can tell you. You can’t sit in the chair and listen to these concepts anymore without becoming part of what is happening on the planet. Time for action!


The Dark Menace is Here 黑暗的威胁已经来了

I have been giving you messages of the recalibration of dark and light for years:


“Civilization itself is at stake within this movement, and you’ve passed the marker - an alignment that many said would never happen. This is the fifth time you’ve been through this opportunity and now, dear ones, you’re headed for the potential of peace on Earth. Twenty-three years ago, we told you this could happen and that the potentials were strong for it. Now, all that is around you is struggling with it, for the shift is here. I’ll say this over and over: The old energy of darkness dies hard, screaming and struggling to keep what it has had, and it struggles with its own demise. So that is the energy we speak of now, and the subject is the Human consciousness balance between dark and light.”

Kryon, Feb 2012, San Antonio, TX[1]


Kryon, 2012年2月于德克萨斯州的圣安东尼奥(San Antonio)[1]

Over a year ago, I also gave you predictions that the coming change will be different from anything you have ever expected.[2] There is darkness that has come together on this planet, and we told you it would increase. It is a response to the light that you have turned on. It is fighting for its own life within the old energy. A consciousness of darkness has always prevailed on the planet. Corruption and greed, and uncaring death, have always been the way of an older Human nature. Suddenly, in this precession of the equinoxes, the prophecies are starting to come true. The end of the indigenous calendars predicted it, and it’s here.

在一年前,我也给过你们一些预测,说即将到来的改变,将会和你们所能想象的任何事情都不一样。[2] 这个星球上的黑暗将会聚集起来,我们说过,他们会增加。这是对你们所带来的光明的反应。 他们在用旧的能量为自己的继续存在而战斗。 在过去,黑暗的意识一直主宰着这个星球。腐败和贪婪,对生命的漠视,一直都是旧的人性的根本。 于是,在经过这样的平衡点时,预言就会成真。古老的历法的结束预言了这一点,现在这一点。

The metaphor is clear. Light is starting to be turned on. That is a metaphor for increased awareness - of everything! We told you many years ago that, “When everyone can talk to everyone, there can be no secrets.” This was given before the Internet, and now you know what we speak of. This technology is actually a tool for you to fight the darkness. I will show you in a moment. What I give you in this channel may seem impossible. Let me start at the beginning.

很简单的比喻:现在要开灯了。这是用来比喻那些正在不断增进的了解——关于各种事情! 我们在很多年前和你们说过,“当每个人都能和别人交谈的时候,就不会有秘密了。” 传递这个消息的时候互联网还没有出现,但你们现在知道我指什么。(在别的通灵中提到,指社交网络Social Networking——译者注) 这样的技术实际上可以被你们用来驱走黑暗力量,我稍后会继续说。 我在通灵中说的事情,看起来也许是不可能的。我们现在开始谈。

Fear Scenarios 恐惧的情景

The shift is upon you and the darkness is starting to assemble. Those who have no idea about any of this are starting to project their fears, and you’re going to hear this in many places: “Here it comes - the end. We knew it! There’s going to be a race war on the planet.” Let me address that. That’s hardly new. How linear of you. That’s been done before. Genocide - race eliminating race? That’s very old energy. It’s not that at all.

这个变化是你们决定的,黑暗于是开始集结。那些完全不了解这些事情的人会展示出恐惧。 在很多场合,你都会听到这样的话:“末日就要来了!我知道这些。种族战争就要发生了。” 我来谈一谈这些。这不是新鲜的话题,你们的思考是多么线性。这种事情已经发生过。种族清洗——一个种族消灭另一个种族?这是很旧的能量了,现在早就过时了。

Others will say, “It’s the end, and it’s going to be religious war! Look! There are billions of Christians, and billions of Islam, and the Jews in between. Here it comes, religious war!” Again, I say to you: Oh, how linear! That’s been the way of it forever. Are you not aware that most of the wars on this planet have been in the name of God? How old, how linear. No, that’s not what is happening.

其他人会说,“末日到了,宗教战争要爆发了!看,有十几亿的基督徒,十几亿的穆斯林,中间还夹着犹太人!所以宗教战争要爆发了!” 再一次地,我要说:真是线性的思考!过去不是一直都这样吗?你们没有意识到这个星球上多数的战争都是以神的名义发起的吗? 很旧、很线性!这不是要发生的事情。

You’re going to see something different, with a paradigm you’ve never experienced before. For the first time on this planet, you have an army without borders, without a country, even without a common language. It is an army of darkness, and it’s going to fight anything that has beauty, integrity, light, freedom, love or higher vibrational thinking. It is going to fight all of this! Perhaps you might say to yourself, “Kryon, how could this all fit into a new world energy of light?” Ah, the big question! There are several ways I can explain it. The first is that Humans have free choice.

你们会看到一些不同的东西,用一种你们从来没经历过的模式发生。 在这个星球上头一次,你们面对了一个没有边界,没有国别,甚至没有共同语言的大军。 这是黑暗能量的军队,他们正在和任何美好、完整、光明、自由的事物,爱和更高层次的思考作战。 他们要征服所有的这些东西!你们会问:“Kryon,这些怎么能在一个新的光明能量的世界中存在呢?” 这个问题很大!我可以从很多角度来解释。第一个角度是,人类有自由的选择(free choice)。

Does it really shock you that darkness would fight for survival? Darkness represents control, absolute control over everything, but mostly over money. When they eventually are gone, economies will shift. It will be far easier to put together new systems - for the benefit of all. As long as they exist, the darkness will fight for the old energy of separation and control. In the dark, greed and corruption can exist easily. In the light, they cannot. Dear ones, this does not have anything to do with religion. It’s the clash between dark and light, old and new, the battle for the new energy is here.

你们真的感到很奇怪吗,这些黑暗的力量会为了自己的生存而战?黑暗指的是控制,绝对的控制,控制所有的事情,但主要是钱。 当他们最后消失的时候,经济就会发生变化。那时,创造新的经济系统会很容易——为了让所有人受益。 在他们存在的时候,黑暗的力量会为了旧的能量:制造隔阂和控制而战。在黑暗中,贪婪和腐败就更容易存在,在光明中,这是不能的。 各位,这和宗教没有关系。这是关于黑暗和光明、旧的和新的能量的冲击。现在就是为了新的能量而战斗的时候。

Now, let me tell you something you may find controversial. Darkness is not smart. The metaphor is this. If you illuminate a formerly darkened area, you are more sensible in how you navigate within it. You will do things that make sense instead of fearing where to go. Integrity will be easier with the lights on. This is because no one threatens you anymore. You can see into the corners. You can see the similarities of Human to Human and be smarter. When you’re in darkness, things that are common sense are not common sense. They represent “fear sense”. You might even say that darkness is dysfunctional. You’d be right. Darkness is even stupid. And you’d be right.

现在我来告诉你一些你们会觉得有矛盾的话。黑暗的能量并不聪明。这是我的比喻。 如果你照亮一个过去漆黑的区域,你在之中行走的时候就会看得更清楚。 你会去有意义地做事情,而不是去害怕应该怎么做。 在有光明的时候,团结起来也就更容易。这是因为没有人再威胁你了。 你可以去看那些角落,你可以看到人与人之间相似之处,并变得更加聪明。 在黑暗中,常识不再是常识,而是令人恐惧的想法。你甚至可以说黑暗的力量会导致异常,这么说没错。黑暗的力量甚至是愚蠢的,这么说也没错。

Let me ask you a question. You see a beehive - a hive of bees and the bees are all buzzing around. You don’t like all that freedom of buzzing and coming and going, so you take a giant stick, stand in front of the beehive, and beat on it. Do you think that’s smart? [Kryon laughter] That is exactly what has happened! Not only that, it’s going to happen again. The dark army is dysfunctional. It does not see what is coming, for it will continue to beat the beehive, and it will do it all over the world. It doesn’t understand that every time it does this, it exposes itself for what it is and unites the bees. However, it believes it will make the bees afraid! They will not come out, but rather stay inside and fear them - dysfunctional.

我来问你一个问题。你看到了一个蜂巢——一群蜜蜂在嗡嗡地绕着它转。你不喜欢蜜蜂的嗡嗡声也不想看到它们自由地到处飞。 所以你就拿了一根巨大的棍子,在蜂巢前敲它们。你觉得这很聪明吗? [Kryon笑] 这就正是正在发生的事情!不光如此,这样的事情还会继续发生。 黑暗的大军就是这样的异常举动。他们看不到正在发生的事情,他们会继续去敲打蜂巢,他们会继续在全世界做这样的事情。 他们不知道每次他们这样做,他们就会用自己的行为暴露自己,并促进蜜蜂的团结。 他们相信,他们这样做会让蜜蜂恐惧,让蜜蜂不敢出来,躲在蜂巢里恐惧他们——这就是异常。

No More Fence-sitting 不再做骑墙派

We gave you another prophecy years ago. No one is going to be able to sit on the fence in the new energy. There is no government that can sit and watch, because they will all be involved. They’re going to have to make the decision to fight the darkness or not. And if they do not fight the darkness, they will then be vulnerable to the dark army. We told you this information years ago. All governments on this planet will eventually be involved in eliminating the dark army. So when the dark army beats on the beehive, those who have been sitting on the fence will be ripped off and will see light and dark and must make a decision. The dark army, by its very actions, is seeding its own destruction. It does not understand light. It only understands one thing: Fear. This represents a very old energy. It goes like this: “If you can make people afraid, you will win any battle.” This is an old energy consciousness, and there is truth to it, if you’re a victim. If you’re a transmitter of light, it won’t affect you. You’ll know better.

几年前我们还给过你另一个预言。在新的能量中,没有人会再做骑墙派。 没有政府能坐视不管,因为他们都会卷入这件事中。 他们必须决定是否同这些黑暗战斗。而如果他们不去战斗,他们就会在黑暗的军队前暴露弱点。 我们在几年前给过你们这样的消息。这个星球上所有的政府都会最后被卷入消灭这个黑暗的军队的活动中。 所以当这些黑暗军队继续捅蜂巢的时候,那些还在骑墙的人就会被拉下来,看到光明和黑暗,而且必须做出决定。 这个黑暗的军队,就会正因为他们自己的行为,而被消灭。 他们不明白什么是光明。他们只明白一件事:恐惧。恐惧是一种很旧的能量,它的作用方法就是:“如果你能让什么人恐惧,你就会赢得战斗。” 这是一种旧能量中的意识,如果你受制于它,它就是对的。如果你是光明的传递者,你就不会被它影响。 你们会慢慢了解这一点的。

Funding is the Grease of the Engine of Darkness 资金是黑暗力量的要害

Everyone on the planet will have to get off the fence in order to eliminate the dark army. Now we have told you before how to do it. And politicians will roll their eyes. Those on the inside of government who know how things work will roll their eyes. You can eliminate the dark army without death. The very thing they’re afraid of losing, you can take from them now. Money! How does a dark army work when they can’t eat? How will they function when they have no weapons? I guarantee you, even the darkest member of a dark army will go home if they’re not fed, or there’s no one around to organize them because the leaders are hungry and left. It’s impossible, some say. The money is coming from unknown sources, they say. Let me tell you something. No, it isn’t. It is coming from very known sources. Much of it comes from the resources of conquered land, but not all. They will start losing their land soon, so they will need funds all the more. If the sources of their income were totally exposed - there are those listening who need to hear this - if the sources of their income were totally exposed, it would make a big difference to the public, who would be shocked.

这个星球上的每个人都必须做出决定消灭黑暗的大军。我们在之前也告诉过你如何去做。 政客听到这一点的时候就会转动他们的眼珠了。那些在政府中,知道事情是如何运作的人就会转动他们的眼珠了。 黑暗大军,他们最怕失去的东西,你们可以让他们失去:钱! 一个黑暗的军队如何运作,当他们连饭都吃不上呢?他们如何作战,如果他们连武器都没有呢? 我向你们保证,如果吃不上饭,这样的军队中最黑暗的人也会回到老家。那些围绕他们的人,如果连他们的领导都因为饥饿而离开,也会解散。 有些人说,这不可能,因为他们的钱来源都不知道。 我来告诉你们:并非如此。它们来自于非常有名的地方。 确实不少钱来自被他们征服的土地,但不是所有。而且他们很快就要失去土地了,所以他们为了一切就需要更多的资金注入。 如果他们的收入被暴露出来——有些在听这个通灵的人需要注意听——如果他们的收入被暴露,那么对公众来说就很不一样了,公众会非常震惊。

Let me talk to politicians. You regularly sit across the table from those who are from other countries and who are allies. They smile at you as they fund the dark side. After all, there is money to be made with war! This has been the way of it for years. But this won’t last long. Politician, when it’s found out that you knew about it, you are the one who will be held responsible. You didn’t do anything about it.

我来和政客们说一说。你们周期性地和来自其他国家的盟友坐在一张桌子前,他们向你们微笑的同时,却在资助黑暗的一面。 毕竟,有些钱是要通过战争来赚的!好多年来,这一直是一种方法,但这不会长久。 政客们,如果人们发现你们知道这些事情,你们就会被要求承担责任。你们没有为此做任何事情。

I want to talk to Americans, because my partner [Lee] is an American. I’m going to tell you something now, and you’re not going to believe it. Many of your hard-earned tax funds are finding their way to the dark army! And there are those within your government who know it. I’ll give you an answer as to what to do about it in just a few words: International transparent forensic accounting. International transparent forensic accounting! It is time to clean up the funding of the dark, and kill their ability to make war.

我来和美国人谈一谈,因为完成这个通灵的我的伙伴是个美国人。我来告诉你们一些事情,你们不会相信的。 你们用自己的努力赚钱而交的税金,不少正在流向黑暗的军队。在你们的政府中,有人知道这些。 我只用几个词来告诉你们如何去做:国际透明的法务审计!国际透明的法务审计!现在是清理这些黑暗力量的资金,消灭他们发起战争的能力的时候了。

I have a warning for any of those in leadership who know about where the money is coming from, and are not doing anything about it. Your leadership days are numbered. The light is going to expose it and you will lose. Why not get on the right side of the fence now?

我要警告那些知道这些资金来源,但是没有做任何事情的领导人了:你们作为领导的日子已经屈指可数。光明将会暴露你们的存在,你们输定了。 现在为什么不去做出正确的决定?

Is this too high-minded? Is this too simple? To think that the world could come together and pull the rug from under the darkness where they sit and the cocoon of money that they’re in - could this actually happen? Watch for a wild card! [Kryon chuckles again.]


If you did this, would it change the kind of attack you had in Paris? After all, that wasn’t an army at all, but just a few. The answer is yes - for the few answer to the many and were trained by the many. They saw the many as an established core to work from. Without the core, there is no purpose. The few are then on their own, without anything backing them up.

如果你们这样去做,你们能改变像巴黎那样的袭击吗?毕竟,这并不是军队,只是一些人而已。答案是肯定的。 因为这些人听命于一大群人,也被这一大群人所训练。他们将这样的一大群人看作是为之献身的核心,没有了核心,也就没有意图。 这样他们就只剩下自己,没有什么能当作后台了。

It’s up to you listening, not the ones in this room. The ones listening and reading later may not even be into Kryon or channeling, but they hear this and know I’m right. This is not a dark message. It’s a light message! The beginning is here. Things are changing. You are witnessing the change as we speak.

不在这个房间里的人,是否听我说的这些是你来决定的。那些听到和读到这些的人,甚至不一定相信Kryon或者通灵,但他们知道这些信息时知道我是对的。 这不是一个黑暗的信息,这是一个光明的信息!现在是起点,事情正在变化,你在我们说这些的时候,就在见证着这一切。

There’ll come a day when you will never see this happen again, these organized groups of evil. This is the joyful message I have for you today. History will remember these times when the world finally got together and realized where they were going. It is tough now. It changes the paradigm of existence. Lives, governments and business will all start to understand the battle is here and is theirs to win. What is your reaction?

未来会有一天,你们将不再看到这样的事情继续发生,我是说这些有组织的邪恶。所以这是我今天给你的愉快的消息。 历史会记住这些整个世界团结起来,知道他们前往何处的时刻的。现在很艰难,现在正在改变所有事物的存在模式。 个人、政府和商界都会开始明白,战斗就在这里,是否能赢由他们自己。那么你的反应是什么?

I want you to congratulate, love, and understand those who were lost yesterday [in Paris]. I’ve said this before: They are on my side of the veil now. They’re all right. They’re now looking back at you and - we have used the phrase before - they’re saying, “We did our part. Now you do yours.” They will return to this planet, all of them, and participate in the beauty of the light you are creating at this time of shift on your planet.

我希望你能祝贺,爱,和理解那些在巴黎离去的人们。 我之前说过的:他们在帘幕的我这一侧了。他们都很好,他们正在看着你——我们用过这个表达——他们正在说:“我们完成了我们的任务,现在轮到你们了。” 他们也会重新回到这个星球的,他们所有人,然后加入你现在于这一变化中所创造的光明之中。

Believe me, the end has already happened. This is the beginning.


I am in love with humanity, because of what I have seen you do.


And so it is.



[1] “The Recalibration of Dark and Light”

[2] “Revelations of Darkness”